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What is the primary school curri...


The primary school curriculum includes Chinese, maths, PE, music, basic science, history and geography, combined with practical work experience on campus. Morality and ethics are mandatory in all primary schools, and English is usually introduced in fourth grade.

What are the six characteristics of the curriculum?

Key Design Features
Strong foundation for learning, living and working
Learning in understanding
Skills to apply knowledge
Excellent ongoing progression
Building foundations in early years
Building foundations in mid-life
>Build the foundation in later years
Prioritize core learning
More items...  

Which country has the longest school day?

The Asian country is known for its overwhelming education system and tight exam schedule. Of all these students, Taiwan is known for having the longest school hours, which irritates some students while others believe it is necessary.

What can I say instead of Ni Hao?

Long time no see! Good morning! / Good morning! Good morning! / Good morning

What are the top three languages in the world?



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Why is 4 unlucky in Chinese?

But the number 4 is considered unlucky because it sounds a lot like the word [death], so Chinese buildings often don't have a fourth floor (just like American buildings sometimes skip the thirteenth floor). Likewise , Chinese drivers also avoid license plates ending in four.

Do Chinese students take a nap?

Results: Chinese college students mainly took naps to reduce fatigue, usually in the form of frequent and prolonged naps (6.25±1.24 days, 64.62±23.70 minutes).

What is the hardest language to speak?

2. Arabic. Arabic is the queen of poetry languages, the sixth official language of the United Nations, and the second most difficult language for us to learn.




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